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Version: v7 - alpha

Upgrade to v7

Sequelize v7 is the next major release after v6. Below is a list of breaking changes to help you upgrade.


Upgrading from Sequelize v5? Check out our 'Upgrade to v6' guide first!

Main Breaking Changes

Main project renamed to @sequelize/core

Starting with Sequelize v7, we are introducing scoped modules and renamed the following projects:

  • The former sequelize module is now available under @sequelize/core.

As a result, you now use Sequelize as follows:

import { Sequelize } from '@sequelize/core';
import { SqliteDialect } from '@sequelize/sqlite3';

const sequelize = new Sequelize({ dialect: SqliteDialect });

await sequelize.authenticate();

Database Dialects are now separate packages

In Sequelize 6, all dialects were included in the main package. Starting with Sequelize 7, dialects are now separate packages.

This change was made with a few goals in mind:

  • Make it easier for the community to create new dialects.
  • Reduce the size of the main package.
  • Remove the need to install the database driver, which was a common source of issues.

As a result of this change, the options that you pass to the Sequelize constructor to connect to a database have changed, and are now dialect-specific. Another notable change is that dialectOptions has been removed, and the options it contained are now part of the main options object.

As an example, here is how you connect to PostgreSQL in Sequelize 7:

import { Sequelize } from '@sequelize/core';
import { PostgresDialect } from '@sequelize/postgres';

const sequelize = new Sequelize({
dialect: PostgresDialect,
database: 'database',
user: 'user',
password: 'password',
host: 'localhost',
port: 5432,
ssl: true,

Compared to Sequelize 6:

import { Sequelize } from 'sequelize';

const sequelize = new Sequelize({
dialect: 'postgres',
database: 'database',
username: 'root',
password: 'root',
host: 'localhost',
port: 5432,
dialectOptions: {
ssl: true,

Head to our Getting Started guide to see the list of supported databases and how to use them.

Simplified the Sequelize constructor

The Sequelize constructor has been simplified to only accept a single object as an argument.

The other signatures have all been removed, including the one that accepted a URL string, which has been replaced by the url option in the main object.

The URL parsing is handled by the dialect, so the exact format of the URL now depends on the dialect you are using.


import { Sequelize } from 'sequelize';

const sequelize = new Sequelize('postgres://user:password@localhost:5432/database');


import { Sequelize } from '@sequelize/core';
import { PostgresDialect } from '@sequelize/postgres';

const sequelize = new Sequelize({
// note: the dialect class must always be provided, even if you use a URL
dialect: PostgresDialect,
url: 'postgres://user:password@localhost:5432/database',

Minimum supported engine versions

Sequelize v7 only supports the versions of Node.js, and databases that were not EOL at the time of release.1
Sequelize v7 also supports versions of TypeScript that were released in the past year prior to the time of release.

This means Sequelize v7 supports Node >= 18.0.0, and TypeScript >= 5.0.

Head to our Versioning Policy page to see exactly which databases are supported by Sequelize v7.

Blocking access to /lib

Pull Request #14352

Sequelize v7 restricts which files can be imported. Going forward, the only modules which can be imported are:

  • @sequelize/core
  • @sequelize/core/package.json

Trying to import any other file, generally from /lib, will cause an error.
This change was made because these files were considered to be internal APIs and their behavior can drastically change from one non-major release to the other, as long as the APIs exposed by @sequelize/core stay stable.

If you need access to Sequelize's internal code, open a feature request describing your use case.

As a last resort, you can still voluntarily choose to import our internal code by importing the _non-semver-use-at-your-own-risk_ folder:

// do *not* do this unless you know what you're doing
import { Model } from '@sequelize/core/_non-semver-use-at-your-own-risk_/model.js';

If you do that, we recommend pinning the Sequelize version your project uses as breaking changes can be introduced in these files in any new release of Sequelize, including patch.

CLS Transactions

Pull Request #15292


CLS Transactions are now enabled by default. You can use the disableClsTransactions global option to disable them.

Sequelize's CLS implementation has been migrated to use Node's built-in AsyncLocalStorage. This means you do not need to install the continuation-local-storage or cls-hooked packages anymore, and that the Sequelize.useCLS method has been removed.

Unmanaged transactions

Pull Request #15292

In order to discourage unmanaged transactions, which we consider to be error-prone, sequelize.transaction() cannot be used to create unmanaged transactions anymore. You must use sequelize.startUnmanagedTransaction() for that. Managed transactions continue to use sequelize.transaction().

$bind parameters in strings must not be escaped anymore

Pull Request #14447

Sequelize 6 would treat any piece of text looking like a $bind parameter as a bind parameter, even if it were located in places bind parameters cannot be used like inside a string or a comment. Causing it to mangle strings.

As a way to bypass this issue, Sequelize 6 required escaping bind parameters that should not be transformed by adding a second $ character ($$bind). Sequelize would then unescape it for you back to $bind.

Sequelize 7 uses a smarter way of parsing bind parameters that knows whether the piece of text is a valid bind parameter. As a result it is not necessary to escape these bind parameters anymore, or you will end up with an extra $ character in your string.

Example 1 (mysql):

const result = await this.sequelize.query(`select * from users WHERE id = '$$one'`);
-- in v6, the above SQL was transformed into:
SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = '$one';

-- in v7, the above SQL is left untouched:
SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = '$$one';

Example 2 (mysql):

const result = await this.sequelize.query(`select * from users WHERE id = '$one'`);
-- in v6, the above SQL was transformed into:
SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = '?';

-- in v7, the above SQL is left untouched:
SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = '$one';

Bind parameters are still transformed in the corresponding dialect-specific syntax where it would make sense, so the following:

const result = await this.sequelize.query(`select * from users WHERE id = $id`);

Will still be transformed into the following in both v6 and v7:

SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = ?;

DataTypes rewrite

Pull Request #14505

As part of our migration to TypeScript, Data Types have been completely rewritten to be more TypeScript-friendly, and make them more powerful.

If you have written custom data types, you will need to rewrite them to use the new API. All methods have been renamed, and new ones have been added. You can find the new API in the Custom Data Types documentation.

Other changes:

  • Which SQL Data Type corresponds to each Sequelize Data Type has also been changed. Refer to our list of Data Types for an up-to-date description.
  • Type validation is now enabled by default. The typeValidation sequelize option has been renamed to noTypeValidation.
  • Integer Data Types will throw an error if they receive a JavaScript number bigger than MAX_SAFE_INTEGER or smaller than MIN_SAFE_INTEGER.
  • DataTypes.NUMERIC has been removed, use DataTypes.DECIMAL instead.
  • DataTypes.NUMBER has been removed (it had no real use).
  • DataTypes['DOUBLE PRECISION'] has been removed, use DataTypes.DOUBLE instead.
  • DataTypes.JSONTYPE has been removed, use DataTypes.JSON instead.
  • Dates are now returned as strings instead of JavaScript dates if no Sequelize Data Type is associated to that column. This is usually the case when executing raw queries without specifying a model, or when the attribute does not have a corresponding attribute in the model definition.
  • DataTypes.BOOLEAN only accepts true & false (and null for nullable columns).
  • String DataTypes (STRING, CITEXT, TEXT, CHAR) only accept strings. Other values will not be stringified anymore.
  • DataTypes.DECIMAL is now intended to be an "unconstrained decimal", and throws in dialects that do not support such a Data Type.
  • DataTypes.FLOAT(precision) has been removed. It used to be a way to select between single-precision floats & double-precision floats. You must now use DataTypes.FLOAT and DataTypes.DOUBLE
  • DataTypes.DECIMAL, DataTypes.DOUBLE and DataTypes.FLOAT now throw if the precision parameter is set, but not the scale parameter.
  • DataTypes.BIGINT and DataTypes.DECIMAL values are always returned as strings instead of JS numbers.
  • DataTypes.CHAR.BINARY and DataTypes.STRING.BINARY now mean "chars with a binary collation" and throw in dialects that do not support collations.
  • SQLite: All Data Types are now named after one of the 6 strict data types.
  • SQLite: DataTypes.CHAR has been removed, as SQLite doesn't provide a fixed-length CHAR type.
  • SQLite: DataTypes.BIGINT has been removed as the sqlite3 package loses precision for bigints because it parses them as JS numbers.
  • SQL Server: DataTypes.UUID now maps to UNIQUEIDENTIFIER instead of CHAR(36).

Cannot define values of DataTypes.ENUM separately

The "values" property has been removed from column definitions. The following is no longer supported:

sequelize.define('MyModel', {
roles: {
type: DataTypes.ENUM,
values: ['admin', 'user'],

Instead, specify enum values like this:

sequelize.define('MyModel', {
roles: {
type: DataTypes.ENUM(['admin', 'user']),

DataTypes.DATE date parsing

When using strings instead of Date instances with DataTypes.DATE, Sequelize parses that string into a Date for you. This means the following query is valid:

const MyModel = sequelize.define('MyModel', {
date: DataTypes.DATE,

await MyModel.findOne({ where: { date: '2022-11-06T00:00:00Z' } });

In Sequelize 6, date inputs with no time part such as 2022-11-06 were parsed as local time. If your server's timezone were GMT+1, that input would have resulted in 2022-11-05T23:00:00.000Z.

Starting with Sequelize 7, string values are parsed using the rules that the Date object follows. This means that date-only inputs are parsed as UTC, and the above example now results in 2022-11-06T00:00:00.000Z no matter the timezone of your server.

Note that dates with a time part, but no time zone offset, are still parsed as local time, as we follow the Date object's behavior. Read the MDN documentation for more information.

Association names are now unique

Pull Request #14280

This is a minor change, but trying to define two associations with the same name will now throw:

Project.belongsTo(User, { as: 'owner' });
Project.belongsTo(User, { as: 'owner' });

Doing this was already very broken in v6 because the association methods added to Project, such as project.getOwner, belonged to the first association, while Project.associations.owner was equal to the second association.

Association resolution in include

Pull Request #14280

In Sequelize v6, these two were considered to be different associations:

User.hasMany(Project, { as: 'projects' });

And you could distinguish them when eager-loading them by specifying the as option in your include too:

await User.findAll({
include: [{
model: Project,
as: 'projects',
}, {
model: Project,

This caused issues, because they still shared the same association name. Resulting in inconsistent values for User.associations.projects, and association mixin methods (e.g. user.getProjects()). Both would also try to eager-load under the same key.

In Sequelize v7, the as parameter now defaults to the plural name of the target model (in this scenario, projects) for multi associations (hasMany, belongsToMany), and the singular name of the model otherwise.

As a consequence, how include is resolved has changed too: You can only omit the as parameter if no more than one association has been defined between the two models.

This change also means that the include.association option is the best way to specify your association, and we recommend always using it over a combination of as + model. as has also been deprecated in favor of association.

// Don't use `as` or `model`, use this instead:
await User.findAll({
include: [User.associations.projects],

// Or provide the name of the association as a string:
await User.findAll({
include: ['projects'],

// If you need to specify more options:
await User.findAll({
include: [{
association: 'projects',

Bidirectional Association Options

Pull Request #14280

In Sequelize 6, associations are a bit fuzzy: Defining an association on both sides of the association would attempt to merge and reconcile their options.

The problem is that if the options did not perfectly match, you could end up with different behaviors based on which association was declared first. Something that can happen easily if both associations are declared in different files, as the declaration order would be different based on which file was loaded first.

This lead to subtle bugs, so starting with v7, associations options must perfectly match both sides or Sequelize will emit an error.

For instance, the following declaration is no longer valid:

User.belongsToMany(Countries, { foreignKey: 'user_id' });

But this is:

User.belongsToMany(User, { foreignKey: 'user_id' });
Country.belongsToMany(User, { otherKey: 'user_id' });

This requirement increases the verbosity of your associations, se we introduced a new option to solve that problem: inverse. This option lets you define both sides of the association at the same time. This removes the need to repeat options that are common to both associations.

Instead of writing this:

User.belongsToMany(Country, { as: 'countries' });
User.belongsToMany(User, { as: 'citizen' });

You can now write this:

User.belongsToMany(Country, { 
as: 'countries',
inverse: { as: 'citizen' },

Changes to sequelize.sync

Pull Request #14619

  • DB2 does not force all indexes to be unique anymore (this was a bug)
  • When using DB2, we do not force columns that are part of an index to be non-null. The database still requires this to be the case, but we don't do it silently for you anymore.
  • A few bugs in how indexes were named have been fixed. This means your index names could change. ``

Proper schema support for MySQL

In Sequelize 6, MySQL schemas (also named "databases" in MySQL) were not properly supported. Sequelize would instead concatenate the schema name to the table name.

Starting with Sequelize 7, MySQL schemas are properly supported. This means that the following:

sequelize.define('User', {
}, {
schema: 'my_schema',

Now creates the table `my_schema`.`users` instead of `my_schema.users`.

Attributes are always escaped

Pull Request #15374

In Sequelize 6, some attributes specified in the finder (findAll, findOne, etc…) "attributes" option had special meaning and were not escaped.

For instance, the following query:

await User.findAll({
attributes: [
['count(id)', 'count'],

Would produce the following SQL:

SELECT *, "a".*, count(id) AS "count" FROM "users"

Starting with v7, it will produce the following SQL:

SELECT "*", "a.*", "count(id)" AS "count" FROM "users"

This was done to improve the security of Sequelize, by reducing the attack surface of the ORM. The previous behavior is still available, but you need to explicitly opt-in to it by using the literal, col or fn functions:

attributes: [
[sql`count(id)`, 'count'],

Instance methods cannot be used without primary key.

Pull Request #15108

Model instance methods save, update, reload, destroy, restore, decrement, and increment cannot be used anymore if the model definition does not have a primary key, or if the primary key was not loaded.

Sequelize used to include a hack to allow you to call these methods even if your model did not have a primary key. This hack was not reliable and using it could lead to your data being corrupted. We have removed it.

If you wish to use these methods but your model definition does not have a primary key, you can use their static version instead.

Op.not always produces NOT (x) instead of <> x or IS NOT x

Pull Request #15598

In Sequelize 6, the Op.not operator would produce <> x, IS NOT x or NOT (x) depending on the type of the value.

Starting with Sequelize 7, it will always produce NOT (x). You need to use Op.isNot and if you want to produce IS NOT x and <> x respectively:

While this is a breaking change, your queries should remain valid as writing { [Op.not]: 1 } will be interpreted as { [Op.not]: { [Op.eq]: 1 } } and will result in NOT (x = 1) instead of x != 1, and writing { [Op.not]: null } will be interpreted as { [Op.not]: { []: null } } and will result in NOT (x IS NULL) instead of x IS NOT NULL.

Removed string-based operators

Pull Request #15598

The where() function used to accept string-based operators, such as where(col('name'), 'LIKE', 'foo').

This syntax has been removed in Sequelize 7. You need to use the Op object instead:

sql.where(sql.attribute('name'),, 'foo');

This change was made because how values are escaped depends on the operator, and the string-based syntax did not allow us to do that.

You can still use the string-based syntax if you wish, but you need to use the sql template tag instead:

import { Expression, Literal, sql } from '@sequelize/core';

function myCustomLikeOperator(left: Expression, right: Expression): Literal {
return sql`${left} LIKE ${right}`;

where: myCustomLikeOperator(sql.attribute('firstName'), '%zoe%'),

Changed behavior of the JSON null

Pull Request #15598

In Sequelize 6, inserting null in a JSON or JSONB column would insert the SQL NULL value. It now inserts the JSON 'null' value instead.

You can revert the behavior to the one used in Sequelize 6 by setting the nullJsonStringification global option to 'sql':

new Sequelize({
/* options */
nullJsonStringification: 'sql',

This change was made as part of a redesign of how JSON & JSONB attributes, to make how the top level value behaves be consistent with nested JSON values.

You can still insert the SQL null value by using SQL_NULL, like this:

import { SQL_NULL } from '@sequelize/core';

await User.create({
jsonAttribute: SQL_NULL,

Similarly, comparing a column against null should now be done in two different ways depending on whether you want to compare against the SQL NULL value or the JSON 'null' value. See the JSON querying documentation.

JSON extraction does not unquote by default

Pull Request #15598

In Sequelize 6, doing JSON extraction would unquote the value by default. This was convenient as it was easy to use text-based operators such as LIKE or IN with the extracted value, but made it difficult to use JSONB operators such as ? or ?|.

Starting with Sequelize 7, JSON extraction does not unquote the value by default. You need to use the unquote modifier to unquote the value:

// Sequelize 6
where: {
jsonAttribute: {
firstName: {
[]: '%zoe%',

// Sequelize 7
where: {
jsonAttribute: {
'firstName:unquote': {
[]: '%zoe%',

This :unquote modifier is also available on the top-level value itself, not just values extracted from it.

This change makes it possible to use JSON operators with JSON extraction, which was simply not possible in Sequelize 6:

where: {
jsonAttribute: {
address: {
// This is the postgres JSONB ?& operator.
[Op.hasAllKeys]: ['street', 'city'],

Array replacements are treated as SQL arrays instead of SQL lists

Pull Request #15598

In Sequelize 6, using a JS array in a replacement was treated as an SQL list, but as SQL arrays in bind parameters. Using an SQL array in a replacement required ugly workarounds.

In Sequelize 7, we have unified the behavior of bind parameters & replacements, and now both use SQL arrays by default.

You can still use SQL lists by using the sql.list function:

sequelize.query('SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = ANY(:ids)', {
replacements: {
ids: [1, 2, 3],

Will produce

SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = ANY(ARRAY[1, 2, 3])

Whereas this:

import { sql } from '@sequelize/core';

sequelize.query('SELECT * FROM users WHERE id IN :ids', {
replacements: {
ids: sql.list([1, 2, 3]),

Will produce

SELECT * FROM users WHERE id IN (1, 2, 3)

sql.list can be used with bind parameters, but it is not recommended as it will produce a new query every time the length of your list changes:

sequelize.query('SELECT * FROM users WHERE id IN $ids', {
bind: {
ids: sql.list([1, 2, 3]),

Will produce

-- The bind parameter syntax changes depending on the dialect, they are represented here as "?"
-- As you can see, this produced 3 bind parameters, one for each value in the list
SELECT * FROM users WHERE id IN (?, ?, ?)

where doesn't accept primitives anymore

Pull Request #15598

In Sequelize 6, you could set the value of a where condition to a primitive, and Sequelize would assume you meant to compare it to the primary key of the model:

where: 1,

Would produce

SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = 1

This behavior has been removed in Sequelize 7 as it was undocumented and redundant with findByPk. You should either use findByPk or use specify the attribute you want to compare to:

where: {
id: 1,

// or


Generated associations and foreign keys are camelCase by default

Pull Request #16514

When creating an association without specifying the as option using the association declaration methods (as opposed to using the decorator approach), Sequelize generates the association name for you.

In Sequelize 6, this name was generated by concatenating the target model name and the capitalized target attribute name. Because model names are PascalCase, this meant that the generated association name was PascalCase too.

For instance, the association Project.belongsTo(User) would have the name User, and the generated foreign key would be UserId.

In our current design, associations are treated as class fields, and in JavaScript, class fields are typically camelCase. To align with community standards, starting with Sequelize 7, the default association name is generated as camelCase instead.

Because generated foreign key names are inferred from the association name, this means that foreign keys are now in camelCase by default too.
For instance, the association Project.belongsTo(User) now has the name user and the generated foreign key is userId.

Minor Breaking changes

These are less likely to impact you, but you should still be aware of them.

Renamed APIs

  • QueryInterface has been renamed to AbstractQueryInterface.
  • ModelColumnAttributeOptions has been renamed to AttributeOptions.
  • SequelizeMethod has been renamed to BaseSqlExpression

Attribute references option

Pull Request #15431

The references option, used to define foreign keys, has been reworked. Prior to Sequelize 7, this option accepted a sub-option called "model", but this sub-option also accepted table names.

Starting with Sequelize 7, this sub-option has been split into two options: model and table. You only need to specify one of them:

// Before
const User = sequelize.define('User', {
countryId: {
type: DataTypes.INTEGER,
references: {
// This referenced the TABLE named "countries", not the MODEL called "countries".
model: 'countries',
key: 'id',

// After (table version)
const User = sequelize.define('User', {
countryId: {
type: DataTypes.INTEGER,
references: {
// It is now clear that this references the table called "countries"
table: 'countries',
key: 'id',

// After (model version)
const User = sequelize.define('User', {
countryId: {
type: DataTypes.INTEGER,
references: {
// It is now clear that this references the Country model, from which the table name will be inferred.
model: Country,
key: 'id',

Strict Auto-Timestamp & Auto-version attributes

Pull Request #15431

Sequelize can add 4 special attributes to your models: createdAt, updatedAt, deletedAt and version. These attributes are handled automatically by Sequelize, and therefore must follow a specific format.

If you defined these attributes manually, but with options that are incompatible with Sequelize's behavior, Sequelize would silently ignore your options and replace them with its own.

Starting with Sequelize 7, Sequelize will throw an error if you try to define these attributes with incompatible options.

For instance, if you try to define a createdAt attribute with an incompatible type, Sequelize will throw an error:

const User = sequelize.define('User', {
createdAt: {
// This will cause an error because sequelize expects a DATE type, not DATEONLY.
type: DataTypes.DATEONLY,

TypeScript conversion

One of the major foundational code changes of v7 is the migration to TypeScript.
As a result, the manual typings that were formerly best-effort guesses on top of the JavaScript code base, have been removed and all typings are now directly retrieved from the actual TypeScript code.

You'll likely find many tiny differences which however should be easy to fix.

Attribute names cannot use syntax reserved by Sequelize

Attributes cannot start or end with $, include ., include ::, or include ->. Column names are not impacted.

$attribute$ & $nested.attribute$ is a special syntax used to reference nested attributes in Queries.
The . character also has special meaning, being used to reference nested JSON object keys, the $nested.attribute$ syntax, and in output names of eager-loaded associations in SQL queries.

The -> character sequence is used internally to reference nested associations.

Finally, the :: character sequence has special meaning in queries as it allows you to tell sequelize to cast an attribute.

In Sequelize 6, it was possible to create an attribute that matched these special syntaxes, leading to subtle bugs.
Starting with Sequelize 7, this is now considered reserved syntax, and it is no longer possible to use a string that both starts or ends with a $ as the attribute name, includes the . character, or includes ::.

This only affects the attribute name, it is still possible to do this for the column name.

Instead of doing this:

import { DataTypes, Model } from '@sequelize/core';

class User extends Model {
$myAttribute$: string;
'another.attribute': string;
'other::attribute': string;

// this key sets the JavaScript name.
// It's not allowed to start or end with $ anymore.
'$myAttribute$': {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
columnName: '$myAttribute$',
// The JavaScript name is not allowed to include a dot anymore.
'another.attribute': {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
columnName: 'another.attribute',
// The JavaScript name is not allowed to include '::' anymore.
'other::attribute': {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
columnName: 'other::attribute',
}, { sequelize });

Do this:

import { DataTypes, Model } from '@sequelize/core';

class User extends Model {
myAttribute: string;
anotherAttribute: string;
otherAttribute: string;

myAttribute: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
// Column names are still allowed to start & end with $
columnName: '$myAttribute$', // this sets the column name
anotherAttribute: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
// Column names are still allowed to include dots
columnName: 'another.attribute',
otherAttribute: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
// Column names are still allowed to include ::
columnName: 'other::attribute',
}, { sequelize });

Changes to ConnectionManager

This only impacts you if you used ConnectionManager directly.

ConnectionManager#getConnection: The type option now accepts 'read' | 'write' instead of 'SELECT' | any. It was already documented as such in v6, but the implementation did not match the documentation.

// Instead of doing this:
sequelize.connectionManager.getConnection({ type: 'SELECT' });

// Do this:
sequelize.connectionManager.getConnection({ type: 'read' });

Overridden Model methods won't be called internally

Model.findOne and Model.findAll are used respectively by Model.findByPk and Model.findOne.

This is considered an implementation detail and as such, starting with Sequelize v7, overrides of either of these methods will not be called internally by Model.findByPk or Model.findOne.

In other words, doing this won't break:

class User extends Model {
static findOne() {
throw new Error('Do not call findOne');

// this would have thrown "Do not call findOne" in v6
// but it works in v7

where clauses of scopes are merged using the and operator

In Sequelize v6, using multiple scopes sharing where conditions on the same attributes were merged by overwriting those very conditions.

For instance:

YourModel.addScope('scope1', {
where: {
firstName: 'bob',
age: {
[]: 20,
limit: 2,
YourModel.addScope('scope2', {
where: {
age: {
[]: 30,
limit: 10,

Using .scope('scope1', 'scope2') would have yielded the following WHERE clause:

WHERE firstName = 'bob' AND age < 30 LIMIT 10

The condition age > 20 would have been overwritten. Starting with Sequelize v7, where conditions in scopes are merged using the and operator.

Using .scope('scope1', 'scope2') will now yield:

WHERE firstName = 'bob' AND age > 20 AND age < 30 LIMIT 10

Note: The flag whereMergeStrategy was introduced in the v6.18.0 to switch between these two behaviors. This flag has been dropped because only the and merging option is supported in Sequelize v7.

Transaction afterCommit hook

Sequelize 6 had a bug where transaction.afterCommit-hooks would be executed when application code wants to commit - even when the database transaction rolls back on its commit. This behaviour has been changed to better meet expectations of how this callback hook can be used.

See issue 14902 and PR 14903 for more details.

The where options throws if the value is not a valid option

Pull Request #15375

In Sequelize v6, the where option was ignored if the value it received was not a valid option.

For instance, the following query:

where: new Date(),

Would have returned all users in the database. In Sequelize 7, this will throw an error.

Where does not accept attribute objects anymore

Pull Request #15598

The where() function used to accept values coming from Model.rawAttributes as one of its values. This was poorly documented, and almost completely unused. We replaced this feature with the new sql.attribute().

Instead of writing:

where(User.rawAttributes.firstName,, 'foo');

You can now write the following:

sql.where(sql.attribute('firstName'),, 'foo');

Changes to empty OR & NOT operators

Pull Request #15598

Both Op.or and Op.not used to produce '0=1' if their object or array was empty. Both of them are now completely ignored instead:

where: or([]),

where: not({}),

Both produce the following query:

SELECT * FROM "users"

Removed support for raw SQL in json()

Pull Request #15598

In Sequelize 6, you could use raw SQL in json() functions:

import { json } from 'sequelize';

// This was valid in Sequelize 6
where: where(json(`("data"->id)`), Op.eq, id),

To prevent any risk of SQL injection, the only way to use raw SQL in Sequelize is meant to be done via either the sql template tag, the literal function, or sequelize.query.

As such, we have removed this poorly documented feature in Sequelize 7. Its replacement is to use the sql template tag:

import { sql } from '@sequelize/core';

// This is valid in Sequelize 7
where: sql`"data"->'id' = ${id}`,

The sql tag automatically escapes values, so you don't need to worry about SQL injection.

Renamed dialectModule and removed dialectModulePath

dialectModulePath was fully removed with no intention of bringing it back to remove a dynamic import that cannot be bundled.

dialectModule was renamed to be more explicit about which module it is referring to:

  • For DB2 for LUW, it is now called ibmDbModule and expects a module compatible with the ibm_db package.
  • For DB2 for IBM i, it is now called odbcModule and expects a module compatible with the odbc package.
  • For MariaDB, it is now called mariaDbModule and expects a module compatible with the mariadb package.
  • For MySQL, it is now called mysql2Module and expects a module compatible with the mysql2 package.
  • For MS SQL Server, it is now called tediousModule and expects a module compatible with the tedious package.
  • For PostgreSQL, it is now called pgModule and expects a module compatible with the pg package.
  • For Snowflake, it is now called snowflakeSdkModule and expects a module compatible with the snowflake-sdk package.
  • For SQLite, it is now called sqlite3Module and expects a module compatible with the sqlite3 package.

Deprecations & Removals

Removal of previously deprecated APIs

  • WhereValue, AnyOperator, AllOperator, AndOperator and OrOperator types: They did not reflect the reality of how the where option is typed (see this PR)
  • setterMethods and getterMethods model options: They were deprecated in v6 and are now removed. Use VIRTUAL attributes, or class getter & setters instead.
  • Models had an instance property called validators. This property has been removed because almost all attributes have at least one validator (based on their nullability and data type). The information you need to replace this property is available in the modelDefinition static property.
  • The Utils export has been removed. It exposed internal utilities that were not meant to be used by end users. If you used any of these utilities, please open an issue to discuss how to expose them in a future-proof way.
    This export included classes Fn, Col, Cast, Literal, Json, and Where, which are useful for typing purposes. They now have their own exports instead of being part of Utils.
  • Operator Aliases have been removed.

New Deprecations

Sequelize 7 also includes a series of new deprecation. These APIs will continue to work in v7 but expect them to stop working in a future major release.

  • All hook methods are deprecated in favor of using the hooks property available on models and Sequelize classes. See the documentation on hooks to learn more.
  • DataTypes.REAL is redundant with DataTypes.FLOAT, and is deprecated.
  • Model.scope() has been renamed to Model.withScope()
  • Model.unscoped() has been renamed to Model.withoutScope() (due to the addition of Model.withOriginalScope())
  • Model.schema() has been renamed to Model.withSchema()
  • Model.setAttributes() is deprecated in favor of Model.set(), as it was just an alias
  • Model.dropSchema() is deprecated as it is unrelated to Model, use Sequelize#dropSchema or QueryInterface#dropSchema instead.
  • The parent and original properties on Error classes are deprecated in favor of the native cause property, which should improve error messages.
  • Accessing DataTypes on the Sequelize constructor is deprecated. Instead of doing this:
    import { Sequelize } from '@sequelize/core';

    do this:
    import { DataTypes } from '@sequelize/core';

  • The as & model options in include are deprecated, we recommend using the association option instead.
  • Op.col is deprecated, use sql.col(), sql.attribute(), or sql.identifier() instead.
  • Sequelize.json() is deprecated, use sql.attribute(), sql.where() or sql.jsonPath() instead.
    • The Json class, that is produced by json() has been removed, as json() now simply calls sql.attribute() or sql.where() depending on its parameters.
  • The following methods are available on both the Sequelize class, sequelize instances, and as named imports. They are deprecated and should be accessed on the sql export instead:
    • fn
    • col
    • cast
    • literal
    • where
  • The quoteIdentifiers option in the sequelize constructor could be set to false to skip quoting of table names and attributes in postgres. This is potentially unsafe and therefore deprecated.

